image by sarah mccoy photo

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Catching Up With Leisure

It’s an inescapable fact that life sometimes gets in the way of leisure.  It’s a fact on which I try not to dwell.  But this summer, life and leisure ganged up on me in an unforgivable way that has prevented me not only from writing, but also from sleeping a full 14 hours a night.  Pity me if you must.  To catch us all up before we launch into our next topic this week, here is a photo glimpse at what has truly been grueling, mind-numbing leisure.  And then, rested or not, it’s back to business.

In the middle of our D.C. to CA move, we ditched the kids, took a detour, and ended up in Rome.
In our defense, we'd never had a honeymoon.

We ate things where the eyes were showing.

We flew back over the course of ten million hours in two days.  This may be an inaccurate figure due to my lack of sleep and occasional in-flight illness.  But it's a close guess.

Because we felt so rested, we immediately set off on a cross-country caravan trip.  
So many miles, so many hotels, so many Monster energy drinks. 

We found a perfect condo in a record three hours and then spent some enjoyable family time sleeping on the floor and eating off of a file box. 

This is more fun when you are three than when you are 28.

The movers came, leaving chaos in their wake. 
We worked round the clock building storage furniture so as to move sharp and poisonous objects off of the ground before anyone died.  Kids.

But in the end, we have our room with a view.

More ruminations are coming your way, now from sunny San Diego!

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